Meeting and Matchmaking
The notion of conversation, with and between artists, is at the forefront of our activities.
Throughout the year, and as preparation for the summer laboratories, the NSL team establishes a contact with you through what we call a matchmaking meeting.
This meeting takes the form of a one-on-one that lasts around one hour. This dialogue between peers allows us to help you respond to different needs such as where you situate yourself in a personal context, as an artist, as a human and as a member of multiple communities. The meetings allow us to provide a multitude of resources (information, inspiration, connection with other artists), but mainly, to offer you a listening ear.
Listening and confidentiality
The matchmakers are there to actively listen to you. Together, we focus on your individuality, your artistic practice, your interests, your fears, your desires, your needs. The notion of confidentiality is extremely important to us, in regards to those meetings. These discussions stay confidential, in order to respect your thoughts and words, and to create a relationship based on trust.
It is not necessary to participate in the laboratories to have a meeting with us. It would be our pleasure to meet you even if it’s just to talk.
Email anytime!