

Thanks to the generosity of The Dance Department of l’UQAM since 2014, The Department of Contemporary Dance of Concordia University since 2015, La Maison pour la danse de Québec since 2017, Tangente (2019), L'Artère and L’École de danse de Québec since 2019, Nous Sommes L’Été can offer to its participants studios that allows encounters that might never otherwise take place.

We would also like to thank the Montreal Council for the Arts (2019 and 2022) as well as the Conseil des arts et lettre du Québec (2022) for their essential support for the summer labs.

Coffee Shops

Because everything starts with a coffee (or other excuse to chat), Nous Sommes L’Été associated themselves with establishments that want to encourage artistic growth by offering a space and refreshment to talk peacefully. 

This way, you can make an appointment with one of our matchmakers at Café Reine-Garçon or Café Dispatch without spending a penny.

Joe Cool Café partners with Nous Sommes l'Été to support the activities and participants during the 2022 Quebec City summer labs. 


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